Abstract Paper deals with research of hot and cold rolled steel sheets for automobile industry at the Department of Metal Forming – Faculty of Metallurgy– TU Košice. The properties of some steel materials in conditions of application simulation plastic deformations of technological processes are analysis. The study steel materials are assigned for selected construction components of new automobile generation middle and high class. Steels chemical conceptions, physiometallurgical aspects of properties controlled, as well as control checking of physiometallurgical actions are analysed. Influence of plastic deformation conditions in hot state and controlled cooling regimes on mechanical and plastic steel properties are reviewed. Cold plastic deformation regimes with the following annealing processes were also experimentally tested. Application examples of controlled of chemical steel conceptions and strengthening mechanisms by technological process parameters of plastic deformations and annealing conditions of given materials for ultralight autobody production from AHSS steels as are IF, BH, HSLA, DP, CP steels are discussed in contribution. IF steel grades are given for deepdrawing shaped complicated inner and outer panels, BH steel grades for some inner and outer panels, DP steel grades have wide application for inner and outer constructional pieces, CP steel grades are preferable given for the most stressing pieces including dynamic loading in crash zones of autobodies.