Abstract The paper completes several results of the GACR project No. 106/01/1547 solution with the title Research of Thermochemical and Physical Waste Properties with the Objective of Combustion Optimization and Search of Alternative Processing Method. Priorities in the waste management comming from Waste Act no. 185 [2] are the waste utilization before its disposal, whereas material utilization is in preference before the other kinds, e.c energy utilization. According to the mentioned Waste Act the thermal waste treatment is possible to consider as an energy utilization under the condition, that the waste is able to burn without the supporting fuel and the produced energy is completely exploited. In the practise the waste will be able to independently burn, when it is created the optimum waste mixture to combustion furnace on the base of the knowledge of thermochemical properties of individual waste batch components. Due to the fact, that in the literature sources there are not satisfactory informations about these properties, it was carried out the research of thermochemical characteristict of solid combustible wastes. This paper deal with the determination of fundamental thermochemical properties of combustible industrial waste and individual components of municipal waste. These are particularly moisture, combustible matter, ash, total caloric value, caloric value, point of ignition, and contents of basic elements (C, H, N, O, S). This parameters value essentially influencing the course of the combustion process. The above mentioned project objective is to create the database characterizing waste from the point of view of its thermal processing, which should to contribute to the optimization of combustion technology, particularly by creation of bases for preparation of so called energy menu for waste incineration plants and to contribute to promotion of waste energy recovery.