Abstract Charge properly prepared, presents guaranty of high coke quality. Charge behaviour during carbonisation depends mainly on several kinds of coal ratio. Coalification degree is one of the characteristics of coal, and efficiency indicator for cokemaking. It determines by contents of volatile combustibles in coal and this indicator is also used for determination of appropriate quality of coal. Indicator listed above, serves on estimate of common ratio of coal in mixture at the coal mixture formation. As resulted from investigation, such evaluation of coke is insufficient in the present, because charge created in this way, with the same content of volatile combustibles, can create coke with different quality. Preferable indicator for specification of coalification degree is determination by luminous reflectance. Current determination of type component is sign of real charge composition and together with maceral component about its competence of cokemaking. The results of investigation shows that by creation of coal mixture it will be needed to focus on type composition of delivered coal types.